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Showing posts from October 13, 2019

The MOS Exam!

This is going to be different from my normal programming I am going to be saying some of my tips to prepare for the exam! So last Saturday I took the MOS Exam and passed I am sorry for this being a week late I just did not wanted to bombard you with posts. Somethings which I wish I did was being more prepared for the test to get a better score. Due to me moving quickly through the class I was under prepared this is no ones fault other than my own I was not fresh on Word which is something I 100% recommend is to stay on top of the Word projects and complete them all leading up to the exam. Another tip I can say is do not be scared of the test, since in my non professional opinion it is sorta easier than the regular projects, yes I know it sounds dumb. But, the actual exam is less than wording than the projects! That is all I can really come up with right now Good Luck to everyone taking it soon and Congrats to those who have past!